Alexander Khrabrov - Photo
Russian version


(autumn 2010 & spring 2011)

Novgorod Kremlin from Kokuy tower

The Church of Andrew Stratelates

Peryn Skete

Church of the Nativity
of the Theotokos on Peryn

Yuriev Monastery

The belfry of Yuriev Monastery

Yuriev Monastery

Yuriev Monastery

St. George's Cathedral
of Yuriev Monastery

St. Nicholas convent at Vyazhishchi

St. Nicholas convent at Vyazhishchi

St. Nicholas convent at Vyazhishchi

St. Nicholas convent at Vyazhishchi

St. Nicholas convent at Vyazhishchi

St. Nicholas convent at Vyazhishchi

St. Nicholas convent at Vyazhishchi

Novgorod Kremlin

Kokuy tower &
the church of the Intercession

The Church of Andrew Stratelates

Bells near belfry of the
Saint Sophia Cathedral

Saint Sophia Cathedral

Monument to the Millennium of Russia

Volkhov river & Yaroslav's Court

The Saint Blasius Church

Volkhov river


Novgorod Kremlin

The Church of Holy Myrrhbearers
& Church of St. Procopius

The Church of Holy Myrrhbearers

Church of St. Paraskeva &
St. Nicholas Cathedral

The belfry of the
St. Nicholas Cathedral

Saint Sophia Cathedral

The Church of Theodore Stratelates

The Church of St. Boris
& St. Gleb in Plotniki

The Saints Peter & Paul Church in Kozhevniki

Zverin Monastery

The Trinity Church of Saint Spirit Monastery

Novgorod Kremlin at night

Saviour Church on Kovalevo

Saviour Church on Kovalevo

Saviour Church on Nereditsa

Yuriev Monastery

The Church of the Assumption
on Volotovo

Novgorod Kremlin at night

Novgorod Kremlin

Novgorod Kremlin

Novgorod Kremlin

St. Nicholas Cathedral

St. Nicholas Cathedral

The Saint Michail Church on Torg

The gate of the Znamensky Monastery

The Znamensky Cathedral

The Transfiguration Church on Saint Ilia Street

The gate of the Znamensky Monastery

The Transfiguration Church on Saint Ilia Street
& the Znamensky Cathedral

The Church of Theodore Stratelates

The Church of the Nativity
of the Theotokos of Mikhaylitsky Monastery

The Church of St. Boris
& St. Gleb in Plotniki

The Church of St. Boris
& St. Gleb in Plotniki

Nativity of the Theotokos
of the Antoniev Monastery

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